
Products available in bulk for both domestic and export
Basmati Rice

IR64-Paraboiled,5% Broken

IR64-Raw Rice,5% Broken

Black Rice

Toor Dal

Urad Dal

Federation has entered into agreement with several Seeds Producing & Supplying Companies to augment the requirement of Quality Seeds. For purchasing quality seeds Log on

The use of high quality seeds is one of the most important elements in increasing agricultural production in any farming system. This element has become more crucial than ever for providing enough food security for the rising number of people in the world. In general, the quality of seeds is measured in many ways, including genetic and physical purity, germination, vigor, uniformity in sizes, freedom from seed-borne diseases, and any other factors that may affect seed performance in the field.

The factors that affect seed quality are heat, mechanical damage, and pre-harvest sprouting in seeds. Therefore, seed quality is a collective term for the conditions of seeds including genetic and physical purity, viability, vigor and seed health. Other characteristics such as specific chemical composition or resistance to certain diseases or insects also contribute to the quality of seeds.

Many factors influence seed quality. Complex interactions of genetic, environmental, physiological, biochemical, cytological, and pathological factors influence the expression of seed quality. Factors under genetic control may include, but not limited to, seed size, and color, chemical composition, hard-seededness, hybrid vigor, susceptibility to mechanical damage, and disease resistance.

Federation has entered into agreement with several Fertilizers Producing & Supplying Companies to augment the requirement of Quality Fertilizers. For purchasing quality Fertilizers Log on

Just as humans need essential minerals and nutrients for strong, healthy growth, so do the world's crops. Our core supply chain of uninterrupted fertilizer production & supplies intimately connected with agricultural productivity and food production. The role of fertilizers in food production is usually underestimated. Fertilizers are food for plants.

Fertilizers replace the nutrients that crops remove from the soil. Without the addition of fertilizers, crop yields and agricultural productivity would be significantly reduced. That’s why mineral fertilizers are used to supplement the soil’s nutrient stocks with minerals that can be quickly absorbed and used by crops.

Thus, in order to meet human nutritional needs in the crops and meat we eat, we need to replace what we take out. The key is to get this balance right and to maintain a level of nutrients in soils that will support our crops without applying excess.

Each crop draws down from these reserves and we need to replace them with fertilizers, every year and after every crop.

Put simply – we use fertilizer to:

  • Provide nutrients not available in the soil.
  • Replace nutrients removed at harvest.
  • Balance nutrients for better product quality and higher yield.

Federation has entered into agreement with several Pesticides manufacturing companies to ensure the quality pesticides which are in compliant with all the relevant safety parameters & certifications in India. . For purchasing quality Pesticides Log on

With the introduction of pesticides, farmers have been able ... to produce bigger crops on less land, Increasing crop productivity by between 20 and 50 percent. In addition, pesticides allow farmers to maximize the benefits of other valuable agricultural tools, such as high quality seeds, fertilizers and water resources. Pesticides are therefore an indispensable tool for the sustainable production of high quality food and fibers.

Pesticides enable farmers to produce more crops per unit area with less tillage, thus reducing deforestation, conserving natural resources and curbing soil erosion. Pesticides are also critical for the control of invasive species and noxious weeds.

Crop protection products have helped farmers in the developing world grow two or three crops a year, so much that these countries can become ‘breadbaskets’ for the rest of the world. The food exports benefit people in temperate countries with shorter growing seasons.

Even after the crop is in, it can be subject to attack by pests. Bugs, moulds, and rodents can harm precious grains. Pesticides used in stored products can prolong the viable life of the produce, prevent huge post-harvest losses from pests and diseases and protect the grain so it is safe to eat.

Federation has entered into an agreement with several Farm Equipments & Tools manufacturing & Leasing companies to augment the requirement of the FPO’S / FPC’S requirements of farm equipment & tools for tilling,sowing,weeding,irrigating, harvesting, transportation etc.... For purchasing / Leasing quality Farm Equipents & Tools Log on

Agricultural machinery devices are used to cultivate and harvest crops. Since ancient times, people have used the tools to help them to grow and harvest crops. They used Agricultural tools to keep soil loosened and sharp to harvest the ripened crops, irrigate the crops with micro irrigation systems like drip & Sprinklers, weed removing gadgets, pesticides sprayers, etc.,

To increase productivity and profits and lower the costs, it is necessary to invest in quality equipment such as a compact tractor, latest tractor implements, a sprinkler system, and other tools. Here are the major benefits of having quality farming equipment.

  • Reduce the time of production
  • Save Money
  • Increases efficiency
  • Reduce the costly manpower requirement
  • Easy & Flexible operation as per the convenience.

Federation has entered into a strategic agreement for creating an infrastructure for bulk food storage like SILOS & Godowns in close proximity to the FPO’S / FPC’S which can be availed at an affordable cost instead of investing in it. For leasing Food SIOS Log on

Here are some of the advantages of using a steel silo over a bag silo for grain storage: Steel silos keep the grains safe longer. Steel silos can be equipped with a complete temperature control and ventilation system that guarantees the maintenance of the grain in good conditions. Three types of silos are in widespread use today: tower silos, bunker silos, bag silos and silage piles.In most silos, gravity causes grain to flow from the top of the silo and out through an opening at the bottom near the center. At that opening, a machine called an auger transports the grain to a vehicle or another grain storage facility. As grain flows through the auger, it forms a funnel shape at the top of the silo.
Grain can be stored safely for up to 18 months at 15.5% moisture or less.
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  • Franchisee applications are invited to setup Block wise Agriculture Service Centers in Madhya Pradesh. apply

  • Internship applications are invited for Block wise Agriculture Service Centers in Madhya Pradesh. apply

  • Applications are invited for Entrepreneurship training in the Food Processing Industries. apply

FPO'S Opportunities & Challenges

What are FPOs?

Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs) are promoted by small marginal or landless farmers group to enable them have a collective say on their farming inputs, outputs and sales.
The Central Ministry’s mandate to promote 10,000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) with sufficient budget is a clear indicator of the Government’s resolve.
Around 86% small and marginal farmers with average 1.1 hectares of land holdings face deficient pre harvest farming input, financing, production and marketing of agro produce. FPOs are envisaged to mitigate such difficulties by collective pooling of resources pre and post harvesting.
Should the government directly get involved in mobilizing FPOs? Facilitating the role for the Centre in creating an enabling policy framework but staying clear of direct involvement in institution building is an option. Demand for identifying "chain champions" (which can be official, private or NGO bodies) that act as facilitators to help farmers mobilize, but slowly hand over all decision making functions to FPO representatives themselves after investing in managerial and technical capacity can also be an alternative........Read More